Gross motor development level amongst school children of Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan
Gross motor development is an essential factor for specific skills required in different sports. This study aimed at assessing the level of gross motor development of school children in the district of Kuala Pilah. The objectives of this study are to identify the level of locomotor and object control amongst the children in the area, identifying the different developments of gross motor skills amongst children based on their gender and identifying the different developments of gross motor skills amongst the children based on the location of the schools. This study is non-trivial as the development of gross motor control in children are significant for their involvement in sports, games and recreational activities. Failure to control motor skills may have an impact on the children in the context of their daily interactions, self-confidence, and learning ability. This study involves 160 children aged 7 years old pooled from 8 different primary schools. The data collected was analysed based on the TGMD (Test of Gross Motor development) and interpreted via the GMQ (Gross Motor Quotients). The result from the t-test suggests that there is no significant difference between the genders concerning the gross motor development of children in the district of Kuala Pilah. However, if was found that there is a significant differences between children of urban and rural schools based on the measured gross motor development.
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