The effect of traditional games intervention programme in the enhancement school-age children’s motor skills: A preliminary study
As children age, motor performance develops. Motor performance abilities enable children to process information in handling specific task efficiently. Although children develop motor skills in a variety of physical activities, it could be, however, easily achieved when they engage in voluntary activities in conformity with their interests. Traditional games offer the opportunity for children to play and officiate the rules without any constraint. The current study intends to explore the effectiveness of the traditional games intervention programme in the improvement of form one school-age children’s motor skills related performance components. Quasi-experiment method is used. Forty Malaysian children were randomly selected for the study, [male (n=20) and female (n=20)] with ages range from 12 - 14. In the study, the children went through the traditional games intervention which consisted of performing selected traditional games for 60 minutes, three times weekly for a period of eight weeks. Motor fitness performance tests were conducted three times (pre, mid, and post-test) which included 30-meter sprint test, 505 agility test, modified Bass test for dynamic balance and Nelson reaction times test. The data were collected and analysed using MANOVA repeated measurement. The results show that traditional games intervention was effective in the improvement of motor performance [F (8, 29) = 1704.16, p < .05]. Follow-up tests also show that the traditional games intervention is a factor [F (12,105) =1.99, p < .05] to agility [F (3,36) = .50, p >.05], reaction time [F (3,36) = .51, p >.05], speed [F (3,36) = 3.64, p <.05] and balance [F (3,36) = .02, p > .05]. There is sufficient evidence to conclude that Malaysian based traditional games are effective in improving motor abilities of school-age children.
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