Persepsi atlet pelajar: tingkah laku kejurulatihan sukan balapan dan padang
In the context of extending the knowledge of coaching in sports in Malaysia particularly in Sarawak, this study aimed to identify the perception of student athlete regarding to the coaching behavior, in addition to investigate the preferred coaching behavior as well as perceived coaching behavior by the student athlete of track and field sports from Sarawak state. This is a descriptive study that using equal-size groups in stratified sampling method. The study consisted of 252 respondents (male, n = 126; female, n = 126), who were secondary school student athletes aged between 13 to 18 years old and had represented their division for competition. Questionnaires Leadership Scale for Sport (LSS) developed by Chelladurai and Saleh (1980) was adapted and used as instrument for our research to measure five coaching behaviors. Based on the Sarawak state sport track and field student athletes perception on the coaching behavior, findings indicated that the preferred behavior by student athletes matched with the perceived coaching behavior of the coach. Study data demonstrated that Instruction and Training behavior (M = 4.33, SP = 0.67) as the most preferred ranking, followed by Positive Feedback behavior (M = 4.14, SP = 0.74). The findings of student athletes' perceptions to perceived coaching behavior that often existing on the coach is also Instruction and Training behavior (M = 4.13, SD = 0.68), followed by Positive Feedback behavior (M = 3.89, SD = 0.75). As the conclusion, perceptions of student athletes were not differed by gender, with both boys and girls indicated alike thoughts in their preferred coaching behavior as well as perceived coaching behavior, which was Instruction and Training behavior.
Keywords: Preferred coaching behavior, perceived coaching behavior, coaching style, athlete perseption
Dalam konteks mendalami pengetahuan kejurulatihan dalam sukan di Malaysia khususnya di Sarawak, kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji persepsi atlet pelajar terhadap tingkah laku kejurulatihan, di samping mengenal pasti tingkah laku kejurulatihan yang diingini oleh atlet pelajar serta tingkah laku yang sedia ada pada kejurulatihan sukan balapan dan padang negeri Sarawak. Kajian ini merupakan kajian deskriptif yang menggunakan kaedah persampelan rawak berstrata mengikut saiz kumpulan sama (equal-size groups in stratified sampling). Responden kajian terdiri daripada 252 orang atlet pelajar sekolah menengah (lelaki, n = 126; perempuan, n = 126) yang berumur 13 hingga 18 tahun dan pernah mewakili bahagian masing-masing dalam pertandingan. Soal selidik Skala Kepimpinan untuk Sukan (LSS) yang dibangunkan oleh Chelladurai dan Saleh (1980) telah diadaptasi dan digunakan sebagai intrumen kajian untuk mengukur 5 tingkah laku kejurulatihan. Berdasarkan persepsi atlet pelajar sukan balapan dan padang Sarawak terhadap tingkah laku kejurulatihan, didapati bahawa tingkah laku yang dingini oleh atlet pelajar adalah sama dengan tingkah laku kejurulatihan yang sedia ada pada jurulatih. Kajian mendapati bahawa tingkah laku yang diingini oleh atlet pelajar mengikut keutamaan adalah tingkah laku Arahan dan Latihan (M = 4.33, SP = 0.67), diikuti oleh tingkah laku Maklum Balas Positif (M = 4.14, SP = 0.74). Dapatan persepsi atlet pelajar terhadap tingkah laku yang kerap sedia ada pada jurulatih pula adalah tingkah laku arahan dan latihan (M = 4.13, SP = 0.68), diikuti tingkah laku maklum balas positif (M = 3.89, SP = 0.75). Secara kesimpulannya, didapati bahawa persepsi atlet terhadap tingkah laku kejurulatihan adalah tidak berbeza dari segi jantina, kedua-dua atlet lelaki dan perempuan menyatakan pandangan yang serupa dalam tingkah laku kejurulatihan yang diingini dan tingkah laku kejurulatihan yang sedia ada pada jurulatih, iaitu tingkah laku Arahan dan Latihan.
Keywords: Tingkah laku yang diingini, tingkah laku yang sedia ada, gaya kepimpinan, persepsi atlet
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