Effect of circuit training on fighting performance of young silat athletes - A case study
Background & Study Aim: The purpose of the current case study was to describe the activity pattern of individual exponents during competitive fights completed before and after six weeks circuit training programme. Material & Methods: Thirteen and 16-year-old experimental (E13 and E16) and control (C13 and C16) participants were paired and videoed with fighting before and after 6-week training. Exponents were chosen based on their age, maturation, weight, competitive standard (none had participated in an official silat match), and initial fitness performance. All matches were converted into .mpg files and analysed using the same procedure. The distribution of outcomes was analysed and used as an index of performance for more detailed analysis. Results: The E13 increased the frequency of kicking during competition post-training, which is suggested to reflect transference of improved fitness to competition. Both E13 and C13 improved the ability to dodge their opponent attacks, likely reflecting a response to technical coaching. The frequency of actions during competition generally decreased for both older participants, suggesting limited fitness transference to competition. All individuals demonstrated some meaningful improvements in fitness following the intervention period. However, these responses did not necessarily reflect the group finding. Conclusions: This was the first case study to examine the changes in competitive fighting performance of four young performers from experimental and control groups following a silat-specific circuit training programme. Therefore, fitness gains together with technical coaching may transfer to competition in younger exponents, while alterations in strategy may have been more decisive in the older group. The research has provided further insight of fitness development and trainability, and also transference fitness into competitive performance in youth silat which may help to facilitate coaches of the demands and requirements of the combat sport.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15282/mohe.v7i1.199