Academic performance of students engaged in athletic and non-athletic competition

Angelo B. Dalaguit


There were people who said that students engaged in athletics and non-athletics competitions usually full down in academics; others said that after physical activities students become active in the classroom. A descriptive research was used utilizing closed ended questionnaire to determine the welfare and or if its shortcoming outweighs the welfare and possibly propose measures to help students improved their academic performance. There were 67 students mostly in the Junior year who participated in this study, 22 were male and 45 were female. Most of them participated in sports and athletics while few in non-athletics. Most of them agreed that these activities helped them developed better time management skills. They spent less than three hours practice between all athletics/non-athletics commitments while devoting more than three hours for school work outside classroom and said that they could have better or same grades if not involved but then they agreed to choose to compete and agreed that academic support services helped them succeed. Their involvement in these competitions helped them identify their life skills and determined their career direction and motivated them to attend classes. Most of them got a General Point Average ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 and agreed that their involvement in sports and academic events on credits totals for eligibility motivated them toward degree completion and persistence towards graduation.

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