Zulkhairi Azam


Digit ratio is documented in many studies to be predetermined in as early in the womb and it affect human’s performance in various aspects such as infertility, psychology, disease and sports. It is reported that athletes with higher testosterone level excel better than low testosterone level.  Therefore, purpose of this study is to find the relationship between low digit ratio with aerobic and anaerobic capacity among talented young footballers. The subjects were from Kuala Lumpur Football Association (KLFA) Academy consist of male students aged 10.41±0.57 (years) with total number was 29 subjects (n=29). The result of Spearman’s Rho shows that there was negative correlation between low digit ratio and aerobic capacity performance which tested by using One Mile Run test (MRW) is r=0.37 where p=0.046. as for anaerobic capacity, through the result of Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient, there were no significant correlation found which tested by using 50 meters sprint test as r=-0.10 and p=0.606. In conclusion, those results may give further insight on the influence of digit ratio on aerobic and anaerobic energy capacity. Given with larger sample size and detailed research in future, digit ratio may can be a good indicator in classifying athletes based on their dominant energy system capacity.


Digit ratio, aerobic capacity, anaerobic capacity, talented young footballers


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15282/mohe.v8i1.218